Scotland, PA

Five Things To Love About Scotland, PA


Approximately 973 different production of Macbeth are produced in New York City ever year. That’s a rough estimate, to be sure, but it can’t be that far off. The Enthusiast can’t be arsed to actually look up the numbers, mind you, but if the Scottish Play isn’t the most frequently staged of The Bard’s greatest hits I’ll eat my tam-o-shanter. It takes bollocks, then, to toss yet another Macbeth (or McBeth, as he’s styled here) into the ring, and Scotland, PA (based on the movie of the same name), an insouciantly loose reworking of its source materials, is a worthy production number 974.

Jay Armstrong Johnson

Johnson plays Banko, McBeth’s burnout best friend, and his sweet, shy, hopeful, humorous performance is the show’s strongest. Johnson also sings the show’s best song, Kick-Ass Party, introduced by a charming funny-sad scene in which Banko imagines himself being interviewed by Merv Griffin (Scotland, PA being set in the 1970’s, you see.) He also gives the play its one moment of genuine pathos in a hunting scene during which Banko reveals that he knows McBeth paid a woman to pretend to like him. You actually see inside Banko’s soul for a second or two before McBeth remembers that he’s got to do some killing, pronto, or he’ll never hear the end of it from the missus. Exit Banko, pursued by a shotgun shell.

That’s Why I Love Football

Duncan’s glowering son Malcolm is given a song in the second act that has bupkis to do with the story onstage, but it’s the show’s other great number so, hey – you go, Malcolm! The song is That’s Why I Love Football, and if they don’t add this to the jukebox at Julius’ down on West 10th Street The Enthusiast will buy a second tam o’ shanter and eat that one, too.

Kaleb Wells

Last seen in Bat Out of Hell, Kaleb Wells gives a standout performance as one of the three witches (here reimagined as three stoners) who foretell McBeth’s fate. Dressed the like the guy who goes to the local renaissance faire so often that you think he must work there but, you know what, he doesn’t, Wells brings a smoky, sinewy intensity to his warlock/stoner. If he told me I’d be Thane ere long, well, dude, I’d believe it. 

Nothing By Halves

Props to the Laura Pells Theatre for going all-in on the theme. When you file out after the first act you discover that the lobby has been transformed into a shiny red-and-yellow McBeth’s burger joint, complete with piping hot McBeth’s fries – something the other 973 productions this year were sadly lacking.


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